Using your muscles, we can find what events or emotions “weaken” or “strengthen” your body. This process is called applied kinesiology and is often referred to as “muscle testing.” It’s simply a really cool way we can ask your body questions and get clear answers – like a telephone to the subconscious mind.
Think of quantum mechanics as a metaphor for modern technology; the web contains all the information we need. We just have to type in the right search words to find it. This is the same with universal intelligence, or collective consciousness. When the intention is made to heal and support health and well-being, the practitioner places their own needs aside in order to act on behalf of the person receiving the energy healing.
In terms of the web analogy, the collective consciousness can be accessed with the right intention—or the right search words! In terms of quantum mechanics this is supported by entanglement or string theory. Einstein referred to it as “spooky action at a distance” and Bohr, his challenger, made history explaining this phenomenon that so puzzled Einstein.
Think of the feeling of love. How do you explain it? Through experience. This is the same for energy healing. Although there is a plethora of evidence that supports energy healing, even distance energy healing, it is best expressed through experience. Take, for example, the experiment wherein cells healed in petri dishes that were distant from each other and had the same positive outcomes. There is a profusion of evidence concerning such studies, but this is too complex to fully explain in one blog!
Learn more about energy healing & muscle testing in Rhode Island

Using your muscles, we can find what events or emotions “weaken” or “strengthen” your body. This process is called applied kinesiology and is often referred to as “muscle testing.” It’s simply a really cool way we can ask your body questions and get clear answers – like a telephone to the subconscious mind.
The Hawk & hummingbird Holistic Healing office is located at 545 South Water Street, Providence, Rhode Island.